Help your bank to enter the platform economy

Rebuild and reorient your team to take advantage of the open banking evolution


The Open Banking landscape is moving fast

Learn how to understand the regulations, what approaches are most effective, and how to build the right support internally to create an effective, revenue-generating API strategy.

Build knowledge step by step and at your own pace 

You will need to understand skills and techniques about platform business models, digital architecture and how to win over other business units.



Work through each module as you wish, using online video content, templates, and tutorials


Book an inhouse series of workshops for your team or select a module for a one-off professional development session


Choose just the modules you need and receive them as self-paced modules, inhouse workshops, or via 1:1 mentoring

Course Structure

bank platform

The bank platform

A solid overview of open banking regulations, why banks are moving to platform business models, and which banks have done this successfully to generate new revenue streams.

digital architecture

Digital architecture

Designed for non-technical audiences and CTOs who have been more immersed in business than coding, this course outlines key IT infrastructure that will be needed, security best practices, and give a library of patterns so that new technology can be embedded without rebuilding legacy bank technology.

regulatory foundations

Regulatory foundations

Understand what APIs banks must make available and what that means for how to monetize, understand best practice standards and how that helps banks gain value faster at lower cost, and how to look beyond compliance to strategize digital success.

api product

API product ideation

Use design thinking techniques to brainstorm potential use cases and apply scoring methodologies to prioritise high value opportunities

premium image

Premium APIs and partnerships

Review potential business models that can be applied to bank APIs and learn strategic skills and access tools that will help you decide on safe bets when adopting a revenue-generating API strategy.

selling open banking

Selling the open banking opportunity internally

Learn from bank leaders that have successfully won over lines of business and have now built new whole-of-business API support and track to VP of Platforms for your bank.

measure success

Measuring success and building on wins

Understand performance and technical metrics that will help you understand whether your bank APIs are high standard, embed governance, risk and compliance metrics, and establish revenue targets and metrics.

Embrace the advantages of open banking.

Bring your data to life with our training.

Sign up now for pricing and calendar availability